Defibrillators For Personal Trainers and Gyms

Folks engaged in fitness-based activities are generally viewed as healthier than their sedentary peers and are thought less likely to experience sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). That is why people tend to have strong emotional reactions around exercise-related SCA, obscuring the risk-mitigation effects of regular habitual exercise.

As such, personal trainers and gym owners have a duty to not only promote an active lifestyle but also to be well-equipped to respond to cases of SCA before, during and after exercise. Exercising, especially when done at extremes, tends to manifest heart disease. Studies show that 90% of sudden cardiac arrests in young athletes occur during or immediately after exercise.

In general, sudden cardiac arrests that happen outside of hospitals only have a 12% survival rate, accounting for approximaely 22,000 annual deaths in Australia. That is why it is crucial for personal trainers and gyms to have portable defibrillators or AEDs (automated external defibrillators) always on the ready.

Bystander action involving quick administration of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) within 3-5 minutes after collapse, coupled with the use of an AED, vastly increases the chance of survival for the affected individual — from 6% up to 74%.

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HeartSine Samaritan 360P Fully Automatic Bundle

HeartSine Samaritan 360P Bundle

Integrity Health & Safety provides AEDs for personal trainers and gyms

As a leading provider of defibrillators in the country, Integrity Health & Safety has a broad range of products perfect for handling emergencies that can happen anywhere at any time.

Our AEDs are user-friendly, durable, and have a high IP rating which means it can withstand exposure to dust, elements, and rough handling. We also offer defibrillator accessories like AED containers so you could bring your AED with you safely wherever you go.

For gym owners and personal trainers, it is a social responsibility to have an AED with you at all times

It helps to be ready and equipped to respond to life-threatening emergencies for fitness professionals like you dealing with high-risk folks, and are yourself greatly exposed to activities that may trigger acute cardiac events. While CPR is an essential skill that will come in handy in cases such as a SCA, it simply isn’t enough.

An AED (defibrillator) is a life-saving device that shocks a heart to restore its function and resume normal rhythm. The use of an AED and bystander knowledge of CPR is the most effective strategy for lowering rates of sudden cardiac death during sport.

There may be no legal requirement for personal training professionals and gyms to have AEDs, but many fitness facilities do require you to have CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation), AED, and/or first aid certification. In the same vein, we at Integrity Health & Safety strongly recommend having defibrillators with you at all times. Doing so is a major step towards being ready to respond to cases of sudden cardiac arrest among your clients.

AEDs for personal trainers and gyms: Starter pack

The following are defib accessories personal trainers and gym owners should always have on hand:

AED Wall Cabinet (2)

AED Wall Mounted Cabinet


HeartSine Samaritan 360P Fully Automatic


3D Wall Sign

What we recommend

This HeartSine Samaritan 360P Fully Automatic Defibrillator Bundle  that we think would be ideal for schools and universities.

The HeartSine Samaritan 360P Fully Automatic Bundle pack includes a wall-mount cabinet with audio alarm and strobe light. It also has a 3D wall sign for easy recognition during emergencies.

Compact, easy-to-use lifesaving technology built for public access

Easy to use: Audio & verbal instructions

Built-in CPR Coaching

Metronome for timing CPR compressions

4-year battery

8-year warranty – The longest in the industry

For more information on which defibrillator would be best for gym owners and on-the-go personal trainers, don’t hesitate to touch base with the team of specialists at Integrity Health & Safety today.

Our First Aid Courses

Integrity Health & Safety offers a range of public and private training programs including first aid, CPR and more.

HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support

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HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support

HLTAID011 Provide first aid

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HLTAID011 Provide first aid

HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting

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HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting


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22300VICCOMB Asthma and anaphylaxis

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22300VICCOMB Asthma and anaphylaxis

Caring for Kids (non accredited)

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Caring for Kids (non accredited)


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Integrity Health & Safety: leading supplier of defibrillators in Australia

At Integrity Health & Safety, a Supply Nation certified Indigenous owned business, we strive to be an ethical, sustainable and socially responsible company that provides our clients with leading WH&S products and services while leveraging these relationships to support and improve Indigenous health care capability.

Using our many years’ experience as Paramedics and Healthcare workers, we are able to advise on best practice for defibrillators as part of your home, community or workplace first aid kit preparedness and help to empower your staff to feel confident to act in an emergency.

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